安装 kscope-1.6.2
1. ./configure --without-arts --prefix=/soft/kscope-1.6.2 (I customize the installing path)
error: kde-config not found way: yum install kdelibs3 (At first I installed "kdelibs and kdelibs-devel", but later I found there was no "kde-config" command in /usr/bin but kde4-config.Thought you can make a link to kde4-config naming kde-config, you'll still get problem later. If kdelibs3 was installed,then ‘kde-config' was generated. However,I'm not sure whether "kdelibs and kdelibs-devel" worked during the following process.) error: Qt(>=3.3 and < 4.0) way: yum install qt3 qt3-devel (You must reconfigure,appending the following options :--with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt-3.3 --with-qt-includes=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/include --with-qt-libraries=/usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib error: --prefix no KDE headers way: it could be solved by installing kdelib3 if you didn't do that error: Yacc/Bison is requried way: yum install byacc bison 2. make error: can't find lkateinterfaces way: find that file first: [cshi@cshi kscope-1.6.2]$ sudo find /usr -name libkate*interface* /usr/lib/libkatepartinterfaces.so.0.0.0 /usr/lib/libkatepartinterfaces.la /usr/lib/libkatepartinterfaces.so.0 /usr/lib/libkatepartinterfaces.so then do this: ln -s /usr/lib/libkdatepartinterfaces.so.0 /usr/lib/libkateinterfaces.so 3. make install ln -s /soft/kscope-1.6.2/bin/kscope /usr/local/bin/kscope
安装 kscope-1.9.4 I changed the installing path "INSTALL_PATH = /soft/kscope-1.9.4" in config file(please notice that the sourcecode of kscope-1.9.4 seems to be last edition,which differs a lot from those previous versions) 1. download needed package yum install qscintilla yum install qscintilla-devel 2. make error: /usr/bin/ld: note: '_ZNK13QsciScintilla17getCursorPositionEPiS0_' is defined in DSO /lib/libqscintilla2.so.8 so try adding it to the linker command line /lib/libqscintilla2.so.8: could not read symbols: Invalid operation way: add following in variable LIBS of app/Makefile.release: -lqscintilla2 3. sudo make install